
Showing posts with the label AC Installation

How Long Should It Take My AC to Cool Down My Home ?

It is true that summer these days is quite hot because you don’t want to leave your air conditioner. But are you aware that if you run your AC constantly for hours, your system will wear out soon and your energy bill will be high? If yes, then you must use your system within the limit to offer the best result for a long period of time and save your money on bills. Now one question arises: if you are feeling hot after coming from outside, how long will your system take to cool down your room or house? Well, in this regard, I want to say that a number of factors affect the time to cool down your home. So, let’s discuss those factors which will help you to understand this concept in a better way: Age and model of the system If you installed your air conditioner ten years ago, it’s the best time to replace your unit with a new one. The reason is, on average, every unit can run flawlessly for around 8 to 10 years; after that, it can start showing some signs of replacement . However, you can