
Showing posts with the label air conditioning repair seal beach

10 AC repair myths debunked.

  When your air conditioning unit isn't working properly, it can be tempting to try to fix it yourself. However, before you start poking around your AC unit, it's important to know which repairs are safe for you to do and which ones are best left to the professionals. In this blog post, we'll debunk ten of the most common AC repair myths so that you can get your unit back up and running as quickly and safely as possible. Keep reading to learn more! Air conditioning is a common necessity in many homes, and when it stops working, it can be frustrating. Many people have air conditioning myths that they believe to be true. Here are 10 air conditioning repair myths debunked: 1. If you close the vents in unused rooms, the air conditioning will work better in the other rooms. This is not true – closing the vents actually makes the air conditioning work harder and can decrease its efficiency. 2. If you turn off your air conditioner when you're not home, you'll save money on