
Showing posts with the label air conditioner services

11 most common air conditioning problems and how to fix them

If you're like most homeowners, your air conditioning system is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your home. And just like any other piece of equipment, it can sometimes break down. If that happens, don't panic! In this blog post, we'll provide a list of 11 common air conditioning problems and how to fix them. So if your AC starts acting up, don't hesitate to give us a call. We'll be happy to help! AC's can be an expensive thing to maintain, but if you know some of the common air conditioning problems and what they mean, then you can fix them on your own. Here are 11 of the most common AC problems and how to go about fixing them. If you notice that your AC is not cooling as well as it was at the start of summer, then it may be time to change the air filters. Dirty air filters block airflow and reduce the efficiency of your unit's compressor and condenser coils. This means that you should change it as often as necessary or follow your manufactu